Welcome to Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops,

Guide for Authors

Submission Guidelines

Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops is a Core Journal of Chinese supervised by Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and sponsored by China Society of Tropical Crops (CSTC). Its direction is to reflect the latest science innovation progress, achievements, technologies and methods in the field of tropical crops. The journal mainly publishes research papers on basic research, pest control, nutrition and soil, and agricultural product processing and comprehensive utilization of tropical crops, with a small number of reviews, academic news, and book reviews.

General Requirements and Related Explanations:

1. This journal only accepts original research articles. The author(s) should be the principle investigator(s) who participated in the research and could take responsibility for the research content and results.

2. The submission requires a corresponding Word file through email or the website. After the manuscript approved for the initial review, a review fee of 200RMB per article will be required. All submissions cannot be repetitive published.

3. This journal has the right to edit and modify the mamuscript, and return to the author(s) for modification and proof if necessary. After publication, the copyright of the article belongs to the author(s). The manuscript will be returned to the author(s) for proofreading and confirmation before publication. Once the article is published, any errors of fact or analysis are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the editorial copyright belongs to this journal. The journal will pay a discretionary remuneration as well as two copies of the current issue to the author(s). If additional printed single-issue copies are needed, the cost will be at the discretion of the author(s).

4. After a submission is officially accepted, page charges will be applied based on the actual number of pages published, and a fee may be charged for rush publication. Any article published in this journal is deemed to have obtained a license (including various medium usage licenses) for the author(s)' copyright, and this journal has the right to include the published article in various relevant networks, databases, or create a CD version. If the author(s) have any objections, they should declare this when submitting their article.

5. Members of Chinese Society of Tropical Crops who submit to this journal enjoy priority in publishing their articles under equivalent conditions. A discounted page charge will be applied if applicable.

Writing Requirements:

1. General Formatting

Please format in Microsoft Word: Chinese characters should be written in SimSun (5 pt) while english letters and symbols should be in Times New Roman (5 pt); Uppercase and lowercase, italics, upper and lower corners, numbers, and confusing letters must be written clearly, Latin biological names including the name of genus and species should be italicized, the name of the author (who first named the plant scientifically) should not be italicized, Latin biological names cannot be abbreviated when they first appear in the text.

2. Header Information

The rank and work unit of authors should be clear without dispute. Fund projects should indicate the project names and numbers. The name, year of birth, gender, education, title, research direction and E-mail of the first author are required, as well as the name and contact information of the corresponding author. More detailed contact (i.e. moble phone number) could be indicated separately, therefore the Editorial Department could contact with the author conveniently.

3. Abstract

It should be an independent and complete informative abstract. The number of Chinese characters should be 300-500, including research background, methods, ojectives, main results and conclusion. For english abstract, a summary is required which should contain not only the information mentioned above but also research background and significant information under discussion, and the number of words should not less than 600.

4. Body

There are four parts required: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and analysis, and Discussion. A Conclusion is also needed if necessary. The expression of the experimental part should be sufficient to make others repeat the experimental results. For experiments that have been reported, only the references need to be listed, and the experimental precautions should be indicated. Data reporting should pay attention to the number of significant digits and accuracy.

5. Figures

Figures should be self-explanatory, and figure legends are required when necessary. The graphics data source file are needed when presenting pictures. Pictures should be clear, and it is required to provide JPG files with no less than 600 dpi resolution of black and white photos and no less than 300 dpi of color photos. Chinese figure title, notes, and horizontal and vertical headings shall be provided with English version.

6. Tables

Three-line tables are required when using tables, while vertical and slash lines are not recommended. However, auxiliary lines could be used if necessary. Tables should be self-explanatory, use annotations if needed. Table title, table column header, notes, and all Chinese information in the figure shall be provided with English version. When tables and figures are duplicated, it is suggested that remains the table and deletes the figure.

7. Keywords

Generally, 3-8 keywords are selected. Chinese and English keywords should be corresponded, which should reflect the main content and innovation of the paper.

8. References

Information and DocumentationRules for Bibliographic References and Citations to Information Resources (GB/T 7714-2015) shall be followed, which was published by Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China in May 15, 2015. It shall be described in the format of sequential coding system, and numbered consecutively with [1], [2] ... in the upper right corner of the reference according to the sequence of its occurrence in the text. Abbreviations in western names and journal titles are omitted and replaced by spaces, and names are arranged in the alphabet sequence of the surname. Please indicate the literature type of each reference: Journal[J], Monograph[M], Corpus[C], Disseration[D], Report[R], Standard[S], Patent[P], unknown type [Z]. Monographs, Corpus, Reports, etc. issued to the public must indicate the place of publication and the publisher. For example:

[Journal] No. Author (list all authors if not exceed 3, otherwise add ‘et al.’ after the third author, and use ‘,’ between authors). Article title[J]. Journal title, Year, Volume(Issue): Page.

[Monograph] No. Author. Title[M]. Translator. Edition (no need for the first edition). Place of publication: Publisher (foreign publishers could use standard abbreviation without points), year : page.

[Corpus] No. Author. Title[C]//Chief editor. Corpus title. Place of publication: Publisher, year : page.

[Disseration] No. Author. Dissertation Title[C]. Place of preservation: University Name, year. Page.

[Electronic Bulletin Online] No. Main owner. Electronic Bulletin Title[C]. Source or available address, Publish date or Update date/Citation date.

9. Italic

It is general to use italic words to express quantity symbols except for pH, including velocity(v), lenth(L), time(t), etc. Meanwhile, Latin names of species like Acipenser sinensis and names of restriction enzyme including Eco RI, HindI and Bam HI, etc.

10. Quantities and units

SI units and recommendations for the use of theirmultiples and of certain other units (GB3100~3102-93) shall be followed, which was published by The State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in December 27, 1993. The use of quantities and units requires specification, for excample g/L(mL), mol/L(not M), hm2(not acres). Meanwhile, the name of quantities should be standard, like using ‘Mass Fraction’, ‘Volume Fraction’ or ‘Mass Concentration’ according to the mixture, instead of using the discarded expression like ‘Percent by Weight’, ‘Concentration of Volume Percent’, etc.

Pubdate: 2019-03-19    Viewed: 42166