Open Access (OA)
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops is an open access journal, which is open to the public for non-commercial use of all published papers. The Journal adopts the “Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0” Agreement in the Creative Commons License Agreement (CC BY-NC 4.0) (, allowing any non-commercial user to read, download, copy, transmit, print, retrieve, hyperlink, index, use as input data of software or any other legitimate purposes for free. Without the consents of the original author and the journal, the published papers or derivative works of the journal shall not be used for commercial purposes. The author’s name and whether the original work has been modified shall be indicated when quoting the literature of this journal.
Regarding archiving: All articles in this journal are in open access format, and the published articles will be immediately archived and publicly available on our website (, and will be permanently retained on our website. In addition, this journal uses hard disk to backup all papers in each issue.