Welcome to Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops,


Submission Structure and Format of Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops

1. Parametric

Paper: A4; Margins: 22 mm top, 20 mm bottom, 20 mm left, 20 mm right; Document grid: 42 or 43 lines/page.

2. Requirements

2.1 The entire document has multiple lines of spacing of 1.02, and the preceding and subsequent paragraphs are all 0 lines.

2.2 The font of numbers and English content is Times New Roman.

2.3 Title: SimHei, 18pt; Author's name: FangSong, 12pt; Author's affiliation: KaiTi, number five; Abstract: SimSun, 9pt. Abstracts, keywords, classification numbers, identification codes and other terms should be bold.

2.4 English Title: Times New Roman, 16pt; Author's English name: Times New Roman, 9pt, all letters of the surname must be capitalized, and the first letter of the first name must be capitalized; Units in English: Times New Roman, 9pt; Abstract: Times New Roman, 9pt. Abstract, Keywords and other words should be bold.

2.5 Body: SimSun, 10.5pt; First-level headings: SimSun, small four, 12pt; Second-level headings: SimSun, 10.5pt, bold; Level 3 headings: KaiTi, 10.5pt.

2.6 Figure Title: SimHei, 9pt. Times New Roman, 9pt; Table title: SimHei, 9pt. Times New Roman, 9pt. Annotations:  SimSun and Times New Roman, 7.5pt; References: SimSun, 9pt.

3. Other Notes

3.1 All figures should be drawn by Excel with oringinal data. Figures should be black and white without borders and shading. The method with databases: firstly, generate graphs in Excel and copy; secondly, open a Word file and paste in the body. The method of checking the exist of databases: open the Word file and double click the graph, check whether there is data in Excel or not. It is required that all figures contains complete horizontal and vertical items.

3.2 The figures or pictures should be raw without processing, and all pictures must have a minimum resolution of 300dpi. 

3.3 The grid tables should be provided (the editorial department would alter to three-line tables as required).

3.4 References selected should be relevant, latest and read. Following Information and DocumentationRules for Bibliographic References and Citations to Information Resources (GB/T 7714-2015), English journals should be presented with full names.

3.5 Other than numbers, all contents in figures and tables should be in both Chinese and English.

Pubdate: 2019-03-20    Viewed: 31373